Memorizing Qur’an in three steps
- New lesson
- New memorization
- Revision previous memorization
How to do...
- With looking - Read the page ten times from the top.
- With looking - Read the first ayah on the page ten times.
- Without looking - Now read the same verse ten times, until without any mistakes.
- Without looking - Begin connecting the ayahs.
- Recite the first and second ayah together without mistakes.
- With looking - Connecting the ayaat - Keep connecting the ayaat on the page.
- Each time connect a new ayah, go back to the top of the page and read till the ayah you’ve memorized.
- Without looking - When you reach the last ayah, you should recite the whole page from the top without any mistakes.
- Hearing to someone - Recite the page from memory without any mistakes
- Repeat the all steps as needed to have a perfect page memorized. Whatever memorize must recite it to someone expert in the Qur’an. Whatever memorize, it must be read daily without mistakes and recited to someone else. If any reason you didn’t start your new memorization for the day, then don’t memorize new ayaat.
- Always consult with the supervisor.
Transcript of this video
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